If your parents are living in nursing homes Tyler TX facilities, you may be looking for ways to connect them with your young children. Although it is very possible that grandparents do not share the same preferences with their grandchildren when it comes to common things such as music, movies, dance, favorite games etc., yet what they have to say, their stories can open the minds of children to a new world, which they may never experience again.

grandparents and grandchildren reading book

Most grandparents are good storytellers, and grandchildren love listening stories about their lives and the past in general. This interaction can be entertaining and even make children see their own lives in a different way, from a different perspective.

Here are other possible common activities between children and their grandparents.

Reading stories

People need stories. There is something magic about them and, besides the fact that kids will enjoy the stories read by their grandfather or grandmother, this activity has countless other advantages, in terms of child education. The stories people hear and love during childhood will remain a lovely memory throughout their entire life.


This is an activity loved by children of all ages. The puppets can be purchased from a store or, why not, skilled grandparents can teach their grandchildren to create them from different materials and using different handmade techniques.

Watch a DVD

Choose an educational film or a documentary. Watching and talking about it can be both entertaining and fun.


Walks are a pleasant activity for grandparents and grandchildren alike. It is best to go out in the park and enjoy the nature, but you can also go shopping together. For the children, it will be a joy to receive small gifts, to see the world, as for the grandparents, exercising is excellent and can be associated with other useful things, such as shopping.

Visit to the zoo

Who does not like to go to the zoo?! Besides developing their love for animals, going to the zoo is an opportunity for the children to learn many new things. The youngest ones will be excited too, even if, at such an early age, they cannot fully understand what they see. Grandparents have the role of introducing children to the world of animals and instilling their love and respect for them.

Go fishing!

This is a traditional outdoor activity for grandparents and grandchildren. What can be more fun than playing with some worms and relaxing by the lake? If children get bored with fishing and the weather is warm enough, most of them would enjoy swimming a little, in a safe place, or observing little frogs and other critters.

Go on holiday together

A multigenerational vacation can be a good idea, if the family is harmonious and there are good relationships among all members. Why would it be a good idea to go with your grandparents on vacation? It is obvious to everyone that there is a special connection between grandparents and grandchildren, and summer vacation can be a great opportunity for grandparents to spend some extra time with their little ones, all the more if they do not get the chance to see them very often, during the year. The presence of the parents may be something that balances the grandparents tendency to spoil the kids.