What Is the Purpose of Bone Grafting by Oral Surgeons?

One of the specialized procedures performed by oral surgeons is bone grafting. This is a surgery that attempt to repair jaw bone loss or offer teeth additional support. Various conditions, from untreated tooth decay to mouth cancers can lead to bone loss in the upper or lower jaw. This means that teeth no longer have a strong and firm support and may become loose and fall off. What Does Oral Bone Grafting Involve? The oral surgeon will replenish the empty space with a graft, which is a small piece of bone or other material (more on this below). In time, the natural jaw bone will naturally grow to incorporate the graft, resulting in a solid foundation for the patient’s teeth. According to dental implants Parker specialists, depending on the material…
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How Do Oral Surgeons Treat TMJ?

The acronym “TMJ” stands for the temporomandibular joint, the hinge-like joint that connects the jawbone and the skull at each side of the head. TMJ disorders (also called TMD) can be caused by many things and they can also cause symptoms of varying severity – in some cases, the problem resolves on its own, but in others, it needs treatment. The specialists to turn to with TMJ problems are dentists and oral surgeons – here are more details about the affection. The Causes of TMJ Disorders TMJ can be caused by many things, including genetic predisposition, injuries sustained by the teeth and the jaw, teeth grinding and jaw clenching (a syndrome called bruxism), a misalignment of the jaw or of the teeth that affects the correct position of the temporomandibular…
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Advantages of Dental Implants

Losing one or several teeth is a serious problem. It impacts a person’s ability to eat and speak properly and it can ruin their self esteem. For the majority of people, the solution is to go to the dentist and get crowns, bridges or removable dentures. It is a quick and quite affordable solution to replace missing teeth. However, the downside of these solutions is that they do not feel like natural teeth. For example, removable dentures may even come off completely when biting into something sticky (such as toffee) and cause a lot of embarrassment for the person. Dental Implants – the Next Best Thing to Natural Teeth The solution to have teeth replacements that look and feel like the real thing is dental implants. Why is that so?…
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